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Accessing State in Components

Converting a React Component to Engine view allow accessing todos from state In src/App.tsx:

- const App = () => (
+ const App: view = ({ todoIds = observe.visibleTodoIds }) => (
<section className="todoapp">
+ {console.log("TODOS", todoIds)}
  1. App component is labeled as a view
  2. In App's header, observe.visibileTodoIds allow reading State.visibileTodoIds

Todos ids from state can be seen printed in console! Engine allow observing any part of the state by assigning it as observe.<path> in header of a view. All engine operator types are available globally. Check them out in global.ts.

Extract the <Todo> component out of<App> to easily map todo ids toTodo components, and put it in its own file. In src/Todo.tsx, add

const Todo = ({ id }) => (
<div className="view">
<input className="toggle" type="checkbox" />
<button className="destroy" />

export default Todo;

Update the App component with:

+ import Todo from './Todo';
<ul className="todo-list">
- <li>
- <div className="view">
- <input className="toggle" type="checkbox" />
- <label>Give life to my TODOs</label>
- <button className="destroy" />
- </div>
- </li>
+ { string) => (
+ <Todo id={id} key={id} />
+ ))}

As per the implementation ofTodo, it is possible to see todo ids(i.etodo1, todo2) in browser. But it should actually showTodoItem.title, not their id.

This is where Engine differs from traditional React apps. Engine recommends that [parent component should pass minimal data to its children](docs / best - practices#pass - minimal - data - to - children). Minimum amount of data needed to render a Todo is its id. Right todo can be retrieved from global state with its id. Modify the Todo component to follow the Engine way:


- const Todo = ({ id }) => (
+ const Todo: view = ({ title = observe.todosById[].title }) => (
<div className="view">
<input className="toggle" type="checkbox" />
- <label>{id}</label>
+ <label>{title}</label>
<button className="destroy" />
  1. Todo is converted to a view (by labeling it with view macro)
  2. Assigning title to observe.todosById[].title in view header gives access to the title of a todo from the global state

prop allow composing paths for accessing data from global state. prop.<path> gives access to all the React props passed to a component by its parent.

Every view in Engine can access any data path from Engine's global state. Trick is getting the right thing. The input macros help achieving clever ways of path composition to get the right data into views.

observe.todosById[].title tells Engine to look-up a todo with in todosById object of the global state, and observe its title property. This gives read-only access to title.

This also ensures that the view gets re-rendered whenever title property of todo with id changes. Any other changes that happen in the state, even in the todo itself will not affect the view.