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get.<path> retrieve values from the state without adding a listener.

It should be used for data that is required during execution but that does not trigger the execution (as opposed to observe).

A get can be lazy or eager depending on whether the value should be available at the moment when the execution starts or at a later point in time.

A lazy get will return an API through which values can be retrieved and an eager get will provide the values when the execution starts.


const doSomeWork: producer = ({
eager =,
lazy =
}) => {
eager; // [1, 2, 3]
setTimeout(() => {
lazy.value(); // [1, 2, 3]
}, 1000);


A lazy get.<path> returns an object with following properties:

  1. .value(params?: object) returns the date stored at that <path> params is an optional object argument, the keys of which set the params.
  2. .includes(value: any, params?: object) if the value at the given <path> is an array or a string, it returns a boolean if the provided value exists at that <path>
  3. .length(params?: object) if the value at the given <path> is an array,a string, or a function it returns the length property

For the value getter method, if the stored data is serializable (e.g a primitive Javascript type, a plain object), a copy of the data is returned. However, if the data is not serializable (e.g a class instance, function etc), a reference to it is returned.

Best practices

  1. Use more gets than observes in producers.

    Producers should have a very narrow window for triggering and the observe should be reserved for the triggering specificity. When you can't justify that some data determines the triggering then that data should be retrieved using a get.

  2. views should not use get.

    Views should be completely reactive and always rely on fresh data to re-render.

    The only valid exception is regarding handling a user event (like a click) which is outside rendering.

    // DON'T DO THIS!
    const a: view = ({ a = get.a }) => <div>{a.value()}</div>

    // DON"T DO THIS!
    const b: view = ({ a = get.a.value() }) => <div>{a}</div>

    const c: view = ({ a = get.a }) => <button onClick={() => console.log(a.value())} />
  3. Use an eager get for sync usage.

  4. Use a lazy get for async usage.