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arg allows referring to other arguments in the header of a producer or view. It makes it possible to treat other keys of the header object as local variables. All of the following are valid uses of arg:

        const result: producer = ({
a1 = '123',
a2 = arg.a1, // Access previously defined argument
a3 = arg.b1.b2.b3.b4 // Access nested properties of another arg
a4 = arg.a2[arg.a1], // Dynamically access argument properties based on other arg
a5 = arg.a3[], // Dynamically access argument properties based on other Engine operators
}) => { }


If we have a TodoItem component which accepts a single arg id: string, and global state which looks like:

todosById: {
todo1: { title: "My first todo" }
tagsByTitle: {
"My first todo": ["tag1", "tag2"]

It is possible to access tags for the Todo with id, by composing path using arg:

const TodoItem: view = ({
title: observe.todosById[],
tags: observe.tagsByTitle[arg.title]
}) => { ... }

In this example, TodoItem will have access to tags = ["tag1", "tag2"].

arg is also very useful with combined with wildcard