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view creates Engine views, which render HTML in browser and use operators observe, get, and update to interact with global state.

const Button: view = ({
count = observe.count,
updateCount = update.count,
}) => (
<button onClick={() => updateCount.set((count || 0) + 1)}>
{title}: {count}

Adding producers to a view

A view can have one or more producers assigned to it:

Button.producers([myProducer1, myProducer2]);

Producers that belong to a view will be activated when the view is mounted and deactivated once the view is unmounted.

These producers will receive all the same props as the view including the special props bellow:

Special props

Every view will receive special props:

  • _viewId - a string that denotes the view's instance (see next section)
  • _now - a function used to generate unique timestamps (microsecond)
  • _props - all the external props received by the component


Each view once mounted will have a data representation of that instance accesible on the state e.g.: get.views[prop._viewId].

type viewInstance = {
id: string;
createdAt: number;
data: object; // used to store view's private/temporary data
parentId: string | null; // the parent view or null if it's the root
rootId: string; // the root (top-most) view
children: {
[k: string]: number; // the ids of the direct children views of the view