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Quick Start

Although Engine itself is platform neutral, Engine's reactive features really shine when building a React application.

Building a React Engine App

This tutorial builds a TodoMVC app following the specs defined at


Use @c11/engine.cli to create an engine starter app.

npx @c11/engine.cli create engine-todo-app

Engine itself is written in Typescript, and recommends using it for creating React applications using Engine.

yarn start can be used to start the app on localhost:8080.

Create an Engine instance

First step for building an Engine app is creating an Engine instance, and let it take control of the app. In the src/index.tsx file let's add some todos:

 const app = engine({
state: {
- name: "John Doe",
- item: {
- a: "this is a",
- b: "this is b",
- },
+ initial: { }
use: [
render(<App />, "#app", {

Engine takes care of mounting the app to DOM instead of having react-dom.

This creates a valid, running Engine app.

Up next: some chores to set the stage for building the TodoMVC app:

Add styles

To keep the focus on building the React side of things, install todomvc-app-css npm package with yarn add todomvc-app-css. Update src/App.tsx file to use it:

+ import "todomvc-app-css/index.css";

This step:

  • Imported CSS from todomvc-app-css

Note: You might need to install postcss v.8 for todomvc-app-css to work.

Starter Markup

To conclude this chapter, update src/App.tsx and add some markup to make the app feel more like the TodoMVC. Replace contents of src/App.tsx with:

const App = () => (
<section className="todoapp">
<header className="header">

export default App;

CSS is provided by todomvc-app-css npm package, which mandates using correct CSS classes to keep the app looking right.


The engine CLI uses a starter template. Go on and remove greeting.ts, greeting.spec.ts and Component.tsx once you updated App.tsx.