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Updating State from Components

Rendering our state in components is one piece of the puzzle, another piece is manipulating state from components. Changes below make it possible to toggle the status of Todos.

In src/Todo.tsx,

- const Todo: view = ({ title = observe.todosById[].title }) => (
+ const Todo: view = ({
+ title = observe.todosById[].title,
+ status = observe.todosById[].status,
+ updateStatus = update.todosById[].status
+ }) => (
<div className="view">
- <input className="toggle" type="checkbox" />
+ <input
+ className="toggle"
+ type="checkbox"
+ checked={status === TodoStatuses.done}
+ onChange={() =>
+ updateStatus.set(
+ status === TodoStatuses.done
+ ? TodoStatuses.pending
+ : TodoStatuses.done
+ )
+ }
+ />
<button className="destroy" />

export default Todo;

Above snippet:

  1. Uses observe.todosById<todoId>.status for deciding whether the checkbox for the Todo is checked or not
  2. Uses update.todosById<todoId>.status to change status of the TodoItem. update is the dual of observe. Observe allows reading any value from the global state, Update allows changing them. update.<path> returns an object with a number of methods to conveniently work with our state. You can read more about update in api docs.

Many faced component

To make the Todos editable, the HTML elements that are used to display the TodoItem need to be changed. Instead of rendering title in a <label>, an <input> serves the purpose of editing the title better. It's fair to say that Todo can be in one of two modes at a time: "viewing" or "editing".

Create an enum for all different modes a Todo can be in. In src/types.tsx:

+ export enum TodoModes {
+ viewing = "viewing",
+ editing = "editing"
+ }

Also update the type for TodoItem to support TodoMode. In src/types.tsx:

export interface TodoItem {
id: string;
title: string;
status: TodoStatuses;
+ mode: TodoModes;

In such scenarios, Engine recommends that views should be split into different States. Go ahead and create two versions for our Todo component for the two states it can be in. For better separation of related code, different states of Todo component are put in their own files.

Rename src/Todo.tsx to src/Todo/index.tsx

This will not need a change in other components which import Todo (i.e App), and gives a directory to nicely keep Todo.View and Todo.Edit close together.

Create src/Todo/View.tsx with following contents

import { TodoStatuses } from "../types";

const View: view = ({
title = observe.todosById[].title,
status = observe.todosById[].status,
updateStatus = update.todosById[].status,
}) => (
<div className="view">
checked={status === TodoStatuses.done}
onChange={() =>
status === TodoStatuses.done
? TodoStatuses.pending
: TodoStatuses.done
<button className="destroy" />

export default View;

Todo.tsx view is practically renamed to Todo/View.tsx

For the editing mode of Todo, create src/Todo/Edit.tsx:

const Edit: view = ({
title = observe.todosById[].title,
updateTodo = update.todosById[],
}) => (
<li className="editing">
onChange={(e) => updateTodo.merge({ title: e.currentTarget.value })}

export default Edit;

src/Todo/index.tsx can simply be a logical component which decides the appropriate view based on Todo's state. In src/Todo/index.tsx

import View from "./View";
import Edit from "./Edit";
import { TodoModes } from "../types";

const uiStates = {
[TodoModes.editing]: Edit,
[TodoModes.viewing]: View,

const Fallback = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
console.warn("Invalid UI State for Todo with Id", id);

return null;

const Todo: view = ({ id, mode = observe.todosById[].mode }) => {
const Component = uiStates[mode as TodoModes] || Fallback;

return <Component id={id} />;

export default Todo;

This explicitly calls out how different todo modes correspond to different components, and adds a safe fallback in case our Todo is in an invalid state. Safest fallback is one which is least error prone. In this case, it is simply to render nothing.

Update todo items in initial state to also have a mode. In src/index.tsx

      todosById: {
todo1: {
id: "todo1",
title: "Add initial state to engine",
isDone: false,
+ mode: "viewing"
todo2: {
id: "todo2",
title: "Use initial state in components",
isDone: false,
+ mode: "viewing"

Change TodoItem.mode of todos in state whenever user double clicks a Todo.View. In src/Todo/View.tsx:

+ import { TodoModes } from "../types";
const View: view = ({
title = observe.todosById[].title,
status = observe.todosById[].status,
- updateStatus = update.todosById[].status
+ updateTodo = update.todosById[]
}) => (
<div className="view">
checked={status === TodoStatuses.done}
onChange={() =>
- updateStatus.set(
- status === TodoStatuses.done
- ? TodoStatuses.pending
- : TodoStatuses.done
- )
+ updateTodo.merge({
+ status:
+ status === TodoStatuses.done
+ ? TodoStatuses.pending
+ : TodoStatuses.done
+ })
- <label>{title}</label>
+ <label
+ onDoubleClick={() => updateTodo.merge({ mode: TodoModes.editing })}
+ >
+ {title}
+ </label>

Above snippet:

  1. Changed update from update.todosById[].status to update.todosById[]. Since we want to update more than just status of a Todo, it's better to minimize our component's API surface and get an update for the whole Todo item
  2. Updates the method of changing status of the todo is updated as a consequence of #1
  3. Adds an event-listener to change the mode of Todo when user double-clicks the todo title

Update src/Todo/Edit.tsx so Todo can switch back to viewing mode:

+ import { TodoModes } from "../types";
onChange={e => updateTodo.merge({ title: e.currentTarget.value })}
+ onBlur={() => updateTodo.merge({ mode: TodoModes.viewing })}

Next section introduces producers, which are another core concept of Engine.