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Path Composition

"Path" is the location of a property in state. e.g if the state looks like:

const State = {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: "BAZZZ!",

Then path for baz is

Path composition is creating new paths by combining smaller paths. It sounds simple, because it is. It is also one of the most important (and occasionally confusing) aspects of building applications with Engine.

Conceptually, Paths can be static or dynamic. A path can be considered static when you know exactly where the data you're interested in is. e.g in example above.

A path is dynamic when its exact location is known at runtime, and is calculated at runtime depending on runtime values like props given to the view, data from the state (e.g. an might store a selectedId in state), or local variables.

Engine provides following path composition operators for creating paths, and composing them together:

  1. prop
  2. arg
  3. param
  4. wildcard
  5. path

Paths composed using these operators can be used with all 3 state manipulation operators i.e with observe, get and update

All Engine path composition operators (arg, get, prop, param, update, observe) can be given any arbitrarily nested path (e.g arg.b1.b2.b3) regardless of whether the given path exists in state or not. Engine won't throw an error if an invalid path is given to these operators.