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State is King!

State of the app when it has just started up (aka initial state) can be given to when it is instantiated:

const app = engine({
+ state: {
+ initial: { }
+ },
view: {
element: <App />,
root: "#root"

Usually there would be a unique id in the database which can uniquely identify a todo. While building only the UI, such identifier isn't available. So the app will add a fake id into every todo item it creates.

Types are immensely helpful in modeling domain objects. Create a src/types.ts file, and add how the TodoItem is going to be shaped like:

export enum TodoStatuses {
pending = "pending",
done = "done",

export interface TodoItem {
id: string;
title: string;
status: TodoStatuses;

Notice that for the status of TodoItems, an enum of statuses is used instead of a boolean flag (e.g isDone or isPending). It is an Engine best practice to prefer explicit types over boolean flags.

Knowledge of the shape of TodoItems allows adding some initial todos the application state. In src/index.tsx

const app = engine({
state: {
- initial: { }
+ todosById: {
+ todo1: { id: 'todo1', title: 'Add initial state to engine', status: "pending", mode: "viewing" },
+ todo2: { id: 'todo2', title: 'Use initial state in components', status: "done", mode: "viewing" },
+ todo3: { id: 'todo3', title: 'Update state in components', status: "pending", mode: "editing" }
+ },
+ visibleTodoIds: ['todo1', 'todo2']
view: {
element: <App />,
root: "#root"

Todo items are kept in very explicitly named todosById key, and their ids are also added in a visibleTodoIds array. This a deliberate choice with good reasons. One of the app components (Todo listing) happens to show a list of todo items. These shown todos might (and will) end up being different from our todosById. Keeping them in their own path in state allows keeping a normalized state. It is crucial for maintainability that a single source of truth for data is maintained.

todosById will often be referred to in the app. Create a type alias for it is helpful to not have to repeat it over and over again. In src/types.ts, add:

export type TodosById = { [id: string]: TodoItem };

It's time to show the TodoItems from state in our component.