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Triggers are explicit actions that are recorded in the state. Triggers resemble an event but without the event boilerplate. A trigger is a recording than an intent, made by someone or something and might be acted-on (or not) by a producer.

The intent is captured in the form of a path. For example an update to path.articles.triggers.delete will record the fact that a certain article needs to be deleted.

The main way in which a trigger is recored is by the use of a timestamp. The path where the trigger is saved defines what the trigger means. Because of this, the trigger only needs to supply to the state, the fact that at a certain time, that intent was recorded. Some triggers will need a bigger set of data to ensure a certain action can be performed.

Usually triggers are bounded by a certain collection or domain.

As a rule of thumb, a single producer should react on a certain trigger. Otherwise race conditions are possible and will likely occur as you cannot control which producer will execute first.

After a producer decides that a trigger is valid for its execution, the producer should clear the data at that trigger, thus making it obvious that the trigger was consumed.

user: {
isAuth: false,
data: {
id: undefined
name: undefined,
credentials: {
username: '',
password: ''
triggers: {
login: timestamp,
logout: timestamp,
shoppingCart: {
items: { ... },
triggers: {
add: timestamp,
remove: timestamp,
empty: timestamp,
checkout: timestamp