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Flags store conclusions regarding the state of some data. Usually a producer will observe some data and then update a single location with flag information. In this way decisions avoid being computed where they are needed and instead rely on the state to provide this information.

Keeping flags on the state decreases complexity and helps code to be more modular.

user.isAuth is populated by a producer that uses different sources (local storage, session, etc) to determine wheter the user has a valid session or not, and stores this information in the state.

user: {
isAuth: true

balloons.items.*.isInflated is populated by a producer that observes ballons.items.*.capacity and balloons.items.*.air. If the air will equal the capacity it will update the path with true otherwise, it'll be false.

balloons.areInflated is populated by a producer that observes balloons.items.*.isInflated and balloons.count and will update the areInflated path once the isInflated count is equal to the balloons.count

balloons: {
items: {
"abc": {
isInflated: false,
air: 40,
capacity: 100,
"xyz": {
isInflated: true,
air: 80,
capacity: 80,
count: 2,
areInflated: false,
