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A Javascript language extension to simplify web-app development using:

  • 3 magic words to interface with the state: getobserveupdate

  • a way to manipulate data according to business logic: producers

  • a React-powered rendering engine


Consume data and send changes
to the state according to business logic


The single source of truth
for the application


Visualize data and update the state
based on user intention


Consume data and send changes
to the state according to business logic


The single source of truth
for the application


Visualize data and update the state
based on user intention

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Product focused

Thanks to a minimal API you will write less code and get away from boilerplate to focus on the actual product

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Reduced complexity

States and transformations are independent which keeps the project complexity from growing exponentially over time

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Development tools

The Engine Dashboard provides a realtime x-ray of your application so you always know what goes on in there

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